But for now…

I’ve been ignoring my blog…or maybe some other things were taking precedent, or both.  And in the midst of all the things, my hard drive crashed (oh the horror) and it took some time to get things streamlined again.  And then I tried to write a post but WordPress stopped recognizing my photos so I needed a friend…truly an Apple Genius, to come to the rescue. She did, 5 minutes ago!  All that to say…I’m simply acknowledging the past few months of not posting and moving on… Too many thoughts, but for now…

My loves…IMG_2046IMG_2079This is what happens when you tell big man to kiss little man:IMG_2089They are just the best!IMG_2091And because he’s my main love…photo from thee date night.  The only date night in the last 4 months…it was a good one 🙂IMG_9067.jpg

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