
IMG_1171I am a walking contradiction – just look at this desk!  It’s no wonder my son does things like smash pieces of bread into water bottles (gross!) and leave toys everywhere.  Jerrod gently reminds me to teach him to pick up after himself…it’s getting better…but I’m more of a “freak out and clean everything all at once” type of mom…we call it MANIAC-ing.  Interrupting me during this process is an at your own risk endeavor… even Jerrod has learned to tread lightly –  “How much longer will you be maniac-ing? And, could I maybe ask you something at some point?”

My brain is so much happier in a clean space – a picked up house.  I maniac by myself at the beginning of naptime every afternoon… but for some reason it doesn’t extend to this desk.  Is it sacred space?  Maybe I like it this way because I know where everything is amongst the mess?  If you figure me out could you let Jerrod know?  It drives him crazy.

We had company over on Sunday.  I had finished maniac-ing, but the desk still looked like this (it’s in our living room by the way – an important fact to know as to why any of this even matters).  Jerrod: “I thought you were going to clean off the desk?”  Me: “I never said that,” completely unphased.  Jerrod ended up cleaning it off…it looked amazing, but one day later…he really shouldn’t have bothered.

On a sentimental note – this desk is filled with life – the things that my life, our life – consists of lately.

Home Depot receipts…too many to count…seriously do we live there or something?

Camera and camera cords…one of my motivations for this blog was to force me to consistently take pictures, and get BETTER at it.  I have 6 friends who are professional wedding/family photographers – they are a wealth of information.  I have no excuses.

A very fuzzy sleep schedule for my youngest…I’ve been going crazy lately trying to figure him out.  It’s not just the picture that’s blurry…it’s everything about what he needs and when he needs it that’s blurry to me.

IMG_1175A textbook on essential oils…I’ve been dabbling a bit, and feel the need to understand the biological processes they affect.  It’s the skeptical scientist in me.

My brain…I mean my computer.  Enough said.

A tiny bowl for my afternoon ritual of eating chocolate chips.  I keep buying them for baked goods but they mostly always get eaten before I get around to baking…Aldi chocolate chips – way TOO good.

IMG_1180Scribbled notes from a conference call…I somehow function as a stay at home mama while working part time.  I don’t think I’m fooling anyone…

A basket full of Christmas cards from our dear family and friends…Very thankful for all of them- I look at these every so often.

IMG_1105A sign that touches my heart – Words we try to live by in our home: “Live simply…the most important things in LIFE are not things.  Speak kindly, give generously, help others, say your prayers.  Thank God for what you have.  Always be grateful.  Trust in the Lord with all your heart.”

If I dug around a bit more I could find dozens more papers/objects that say something about our life.  I’m kind of a nosey person (I like to think it’s in a good way…a caring way…).  Messes tell us something about the people in our lives…I’d love to know what’s covering your desk lately!